
The ECHO Mission

ECHO’s mission is dedicated to meeting housing, food and other basic human needs and addressing the barriers to self-sufficiency.

ECHO seeks to help people help themselves through its programs and services, not readily available through other sources, and to assist them in utilizing other existing services and programs in the community. It does not impose any theological or political value system upon those served.

It exists through the generosity of others in the community. Congregations help us, so do many individuals, businesses, school and community groups, foundations, and social service agencies.

An ECHO volunteer pushes a dolly full of supplies.

Making an Impact Every Single Day

Between Jan. 1 – Dec. 30, 2023 ECHO provided:

Pounds of groceries to individuals and groups

Meals to local residents and families

people with personal, laundry & cleaning supplies

Children with the supplies they need for school

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