CROP Hunger Walk

CROP Hunger Walk

April 27

Exercise Hope By Joining CROP Hunger Walk

“Exercising Hope” is the theme for the 48th annual Janesville Area CROP Hunger Walk, which will take place on Sunday, April 27.

Those two words—exercising and hope—are fundamental to the mission of the CROP Walk. We all can benefit from moving our bodies, and the CROP Walk offers the opportunity to do just that. More importantly, everyone has hope that one day people in our community, country, and across the world will have enough food to nourish their bodies.

Organizers hope to raise $50,000, and ECHO again will receive 25 percent of the total amount donated. The remaining funds will help the efforts of Church World Service (CWS), a faith-based organization that fights hunger and poverty in communities around the globe.

Last year’s Janesville area walk raised about $49,000 with more than $12,000 going to ECHO, a Janesville-based organization that helps provide temporary housing, food, and transportation to people in need. Through the years, the Janesville area walk has raised more than $1.36 million.

Walkers can sign up online individually or as a team at Just click on “Register,” fill in your details, and you’ll find lots of tools to help you get started. There is no registration fee to participate, but walkers are encouraged to collect donations to support the cause.

Twelve teams participated in the 2024 walk, and organizers hope that number will increase this year. Kathy Holcombe, event coordinator, encourages congregations, businesses, and other groups in the Janesville area to get involved in the fight to end hunger. For more information, contact Holcombe at 608-752-8117 or [email protected].

A breakfast meeting for team captains is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. Saturday, March 1, at St. John Lutheran Church, 302 N. Parker Drive, Janesville. Team captains will receive materials and ideas to help them encourage people to join the walk and collect donations. Refreshments will be available from 8 to 8:30 a.m.

If you’re not available to walk on April 27, consider making a tax-deductible online contribution at Regardless of its size, your gift will help people in your neighborhood and around the world.


April 27, 2025


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