Thanksgiving Baskets

Thanksgiving meals for those in need

ECHO gives the basics to make a traditional Thanksgiving meal to low-income families who live in Janesville.

Call the office at 754-5333 for sign up dates, as it changes every year. The food is given out on the Saturday before Thanksgiving.

We require:

  1. A photo ID
  2. A currently dated (this month or last month) utility bill (Alliant, Charter, water bill), or a detailed rent receipt is acceptable.
  3. Proof of all of the household income (paystubs, disability, unemployment, child support, etc.)

*If your household has NO INCOME, please bring your food stamp benefit statement. One of the pages specifically says, “This household reported no income.”

Items vary from year to year. We cannot guarantee whether or not we will have specific items. Due to funding, smaller households may receive a turkey breast instead of a whole turkey.

If you don’t want to cook a meal, the Salvation Army hosts a free Thanksgiving Dinner for anyone to attend. Call them at 757-8300 to inquire for the date being hosted, and as to whether or not they can deliver pre-cooked meals to your home.

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